Wow wow wow this story. Filing it away for any apologies I have to make in the future. Whew.

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I got so nervous reading this story. I think if i were in your shoes I would’ve chosen the option to say nothing and just silently write that person off. I’m not saying it’s the better option, only the one I would’ve taken out of fear. It was brave of you to confront that person- simply, directly. Amazing how the unknown character in the story suddenly became 3 dimensional and complicated with her response of true apology and shame. Amazing how the way the interaction unfolded between you has actually established more of a relationship, a history, a shared experience. I have been reading Tara Brach’s Radical Acceptance. If I can learn/live this concept more often, then I can be open to all the oops/ouch/repair without having to do the armadillo-ball thing that I have been known to do. Tender hearts, indeed.

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Thanks Dawn, that’s truly a wonderful story and gives me hope that perhaps shared values are not the lost cause I often fear.

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